Meeting 2024-10-30
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Test mit Zeus
IP Playground-Server
Sysop ***
neuen Benutzer über Admin links anlegen und diesem Admin-Rechte zuweisen
wikipush test
siehe Main_Page#WikiUser_Einrichtung Demo:Berlin existiert schon
hier gibt es alle Demo-Städte:
jetzt Tokyo als nächstes
wikipush -s smw -t Zeus -p Demo:Tokyo
ganze Kategorie und von lokalem Rechner aus
WikiUser anlegen: Main_Page#WikiUser_Einrichtung; vorher eventuell HOME, PATH und USER prüfen (sonst anlegen)
eventuell pip installieren: sudo apt install python3-pip
eventuell Py-3rdparty-mediawiki installieren:
wikiquery -h
usage: wikiquery [-h] [-d] [-V] [-l] -s SOURCE [--format FORMAT] [--entityName ENTITYNAME] [--limit LIMIT] [--progress] [-q QUERY] [--queryFile QUERYFILE]
[-qf QUERYFIELD] [-p PAGES [PAGES ...]] [-ui] [-qd QUERYDIVISION] [--title TITLE]
Created by Wolfgang Fahl on 2020-10-31.
Copyright 2020-2023 Wolfgang Fahl. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0
Distributed on an "AS IS" basis without warranties
or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug set debug level [default: False]
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-l, --login login to source wiki for access permission
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
source wiki id
--format FORMAT format to use for query result csv,json,lod or any of the tablefmt options of
--entityName ENTITYNAME
name of the entites that are queried - only needed for some output formats - default is 'data'
--limit LIMIT limit for query
--progress shows progress for query
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
select pages with given SMW ask query
--queryFile QUERYFILE
file the query should be read from
query result field which contains page
-p PAGES [PAGES ...], --pages PAGES [PAGES ...]
list of page Titles to be pushed
-ui, --withGUI Pop up GUI for selection
divide query into equidistant subintervals to limit the result size of the individual queries
--title TITLE the title for the query
<source lang="json" highlight="2"> wikiquery -s smw -q "" {
"data": [ { "": "File:2166320938 5cfc9ec72a z.jpg" }, { "": "File:220px-Cherry Blossoms and Washington Monument.jpg" }, { "": "File:3363305632 c136da22e7 z.jpg" }, { "": "File:3430830083 00768b46a9 z.jpg" }, { "": "File:4005745212 1e91b077cf z.jpg" }, { "": "File:40564870 7c39a94ac4 z.jpg" }, { "": "File:5072461976 666f3c8817 o.jpg" }, { "": "File:5208218415 e2361c0c43 z.jpg" }, { "": "File:5684653514 4bf9d1c137 b.jpg" }, { "": "File:59104081 3307425c2c z.jpg" }, { "": "File:6140285934 02e81b845f z.jpg" }, { "": "Demo:Amsterdam" }, { "": "File:Amsterdam - Waag.jpg" }, { "": "File:Belvue.jpg" }, { "": "Demo:Berlin" }, { "": "File:Calsbad-late-night.jpg" }, { "": "Demo:Cologne" }, { "": "Demo:Frankfurt" }, { "": "Fresno" }, { "": "Demo:Greenwich" }, { "": "Karlsruhe" }, { "": "File:Karlsruher Pyramide.JPG" }, { "": "Demo:London" }, { "": "Demo:Munich" }, { "": "Demo:New York City" }, { "": "Demo:Paris" }, { "": "Porto" }, { "": "Rome" }, { "": "Demo:San Diego" }, { "": "Demo:San Francisco" }, { "": "Demo:Stuttgart" }, { "": "Demo:Sydney" }, { "": "Demo:Texas/Austin" }, { "": "Demo:Texas/Dallas" }, { "": "Demo:Texas/San Antonio" }, { "": "Demo:Tokyo" }, { "": "Vienna" }, { "": "Warsaw" }, { "": "Demo:W\u00fcrzburg" } ]